Q: What kinds of programs are you looking for?

A: Programs will be selected based on the following criteria:

  • Connected to preK-12 formal education
  • Focus on at least one STEM discipline, including computer and data science
  • Have undergone an external evaluation or peer review process to provide evidence of success
  • Have successfully scaled

Q: How likely is it that my program will be included in the compendium?

A: All programs that meet the criteria outlined above will be included in the compendium. Following a formal review process, a select number of programs (approximately 15-20) will be chosen to be highlighted in the final document that is shared with the NASEM consensus committee.

Q: How are you defining scale?

A: In general, we are looking for programs that have scaled to at least 5-10x their original population. However, we recognize that different contexts and circumstances can influence the extent to which a program can scale, thus the nomination form provides space for you to describe in your own words how your program has scaled. You may consider including:

  • Evidence of program fidelity, with possibility of intentional adaptation, across different sites
  • Evidence of scaling to new audiences or contexts
  • Any other information about or evidence of program scaling that you think it is important for us to know about

You do not need to address all of the above bullets, but should include enough information so that we understand how and to what extent your program has scaled.

Q: How are you defining evidence of success?

A: First, your program should have some evidence of success from an independent party such as having undergone an evaluation by an external evaluator or a peer review process. Links to evaluation reports or other documents can be shared on the nomination form, but are not required.

When describing evidence of success on the nomination form, you may consider including:

  • Evidence that STEM learning goals were achieved (e.g., content-specific knowledge)
  • Evidence that STEM skills were developed (e.g., critical thinking, problem solving, communication)
  • Evidence that affective goals were achieved (e.g., generated interest in STEM)
  • Evidence that the program helped participants make connections to STEM careers
  • Any other evidence of program impact that you would like to highlight

You do not need to address all of the bullets listed above, but should include enough information so that we understand the impact that your program had on the formal preK-12 setting.

Q: How many programs can I nominate?

A: Please nominate as many as you feel are applicable. Fill out the form once for each nomination.

Q: Can I share this opportunity with people leading other projects that may be a good fit?

A: Yes! We welcome submissions by anyone who has a program that could be included in the compendium and inform the work of the committee. Feel free to share with your network.

Q: Who will have access to the information I provide?

A: We respect your privacy and will not share your information outside of the EDC and NASEM teams but EDC’s profile and assessment of your program will be included and shared broadly.